Friday, November 21, 2014

The work of writing

I have been asked how I go about doing the actual writing of the novel. Do I know when I sit down in front of the computer but I will be working on? The answer is yes. I never finish all I know about a scene or bit of action the day before. It gives me a quick starting point. I realize that is not entirely true. Sometimes I will finish is scene, but I know what the next scene will be and leave it until the next day. It seems I only have so much I can do in one day. It varies from as little as 250 words to sometimes as much as 1000 words per day. I find I am most creative in the morning. In the afternoon, I switched into the editor mode and go over material that is a few days old. If I tried to edit material that is too fresh, I find I do not do a good job. It would never pay to try to edit the morning’s writing on the same day. There were some other questions that I will share another day.

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